Our petition hits 20,000 as we inform and urge Ealing Council to carry out vital Habitat Surveys before seeking a Development Partner
Every time Ealing Council attempt to take a step closer to dewilding over 50% of already rewilded #WarrenFarmNR our petition takes a leap asking them to stop and together we have just flown to an incredible 20,000 signatures and growing! THANK YOU to everyone who has signed and shared our petition, you are giving a voice to our urban wildlife under threat, a voice they would not otherwise have! Our petition remains OPEN until we secure Local Nature Reserve designation for our species-rich neutral and acid grassland habitat here in Ealing, London. We will be delivering our petition shortly so please #WatchThisGreenSpace for incoming petition news and updates!
One of our #WarrenFarmNR Skylarks. #SaveEalingSkylarks
After our recent family-friendly protest at the Overview and Scrutiny (OSC) Meeting on 21st February 2023, two important caveats were recommended to councillors via wildlife experts which councillors agreed were worth undertaking - one of which we called on Ealing Council to carry out a full Habitat Survey before going any further with its plans to develop part of Warren Farm Nature Reserve.
On March 3rd 2023 the Warren Farm Nature Reserve campaign group and the Brent River & Canal Society charity have written to council leader Peter Mason asking him to carry out a Phase 1 Habitat Survey, using the London Open Spaces Survey methodology, as recommended by London Natural History Society botanist Dr Mark A Spencer. It is crucial that this is done before Ealing Council appoints a Development Partner.
The council stated in its cabinet report The Future of Warren Farm Sports Ground that it would advertise for a Development Partner in March 2023. Doing so would be extremely premature. During the OSC meeting, Dr Mark A Spencer and Dr Sean McCormack founder of the Ealing Wildlife Group explained that the council’s proposals risked falling foul of both national and London-wide policies. As some councillors of the OSC noted, it would be unwise to identify a Development Partner for Warren Farm NR before Ealing Council is fully aware of the negative habitat and biodiversity implications of developing our rewilded site.
“Ealing Council has a lot of work to do before it can even consider putting together a development proposal. It is essential for the council to have a record of what is present on Warren Farm Nature Reserve now, as baseline data, before it goes any further. It will need this information before it approaches Natural England. To show the mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain all developments will need after November 2023, will require more extensive surveys.
So far, the council has been unable to show that it has this information. Determining the current state of Warren Farm’s established neutral and acid grassland habitat and the abundance of common, rare and vulnerable species it contains, is essential prior to the commencement of any development proposals. It seems somewhat premature to advertise for a Development Partner before carrying out this survey.”
Dr Mark A Spencer, Botanist, London Natural History Society
Ealing Council now need to look closer by undertaking vital Habitat Survey’s at Warren Farm Nature Reserve
“The fact that the councillors on the OSC called for a full habitat survey shows that they understood the evidence being put forward by our expert witnesses and the potential risks involved in proceeding with the development of Warren Farm Nature Reserve without having a detailed record of the meadow’s wildlife.
Ealing Council could cause significant species extinctions of some of our most vulnerable plants and animals if it goes ahead with this proposal. It is reckless to be entering into a commercial relationship with a Development Partner without undertaking the Phase 1 Habitat Survey or acknowledging the species records held in the Greenspace Information Centre for Greater London (GiGL).
Would a Development Partner want to take on these risks and put their company’s name to de-wilding and species extinction? To claim that this proposal will be the ‘biggest rewilding project in London’ is simply not true. Warren Farm has already re-wilded. The proposed development will take away half of that rewilded space. Facts and transparency are important here. Notable wildlife charities, organisations and individuals and now an incredible 20,000 petition supporters are watching.”
Katie Boyles, Brent River & Canal Society (BRCS) Trustee and Warren Farm Nature Reserve campaign organiser
“The council’s proposal to develop the site appears to run counter to national, GLA and the council’s own policies. Without a habitat assessment, the council has no idea of the ecological damage this development might do. This is about good governance as much as anything else. It seems very risky to fly into a major proposal such as this without getting the full picture. We have therefore offered our wildlife expertise and assistance. We strongly urge the council to implement the OSC’s recommendation and carry out the independent habitat survey as soon as possible.”
Steven Toft, BRCS Trustee and Warren Farm Nature Reserve campaign officer
Skylarks are an indicator species of a species-rich habitat in action here at #WarrenFarmNR
Back in February we warned Ealing Council that its proposed development on Warren Farm NR would not achieve the “mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain” of 10% being imposed by the government from November 2023. It will also fall short of the GLA’s objectives as laid out in the London Plan and the London Environment Strategy, which also call for Biodiversity Net Gain and require new developments to include new wildlife habitats.
We have also asked Ealing Council to be open and transparent in the undertaking of the required independent Habitat Surveys, to speak truthfully in their press with regards to Warren Farm NR (it is not the ‘biggest rewilding project in London’, as advertised in the council’s ‘Around Ealing’ Spring 2023 edition for example) and we will continue to urge Ealing Council to acknowledge our incredible rewilded meadow and wildlife, with some species survival hanging on by a thread here.
What actions can you take today to further strengthen the voice of our wildlife?
- Please continue to sign and share our petition here.
- Write to your local councillors urging them not support the dewilding plan. Enter your postcode here and it will bring up a list of your councillors with links to their email addresses.
More calls to action incoming! Thank you!
Team #WarrenFarmNR